6 Other ways to help beat cold & flu germs

Published on Fri Jul 24 2020 in Lifestyle

Cold and flu season is nearly upon us, and you may already be taking steps to help your family fight off illness. You probably know the basic ways to stay healthy: regularly washing hands, using alcohol-based sanitisers and getting the flu shot. However, illness can be spread in many ways – some you might not expect!

Here are six other ways to help beat cold and flu germs in your home.

1. Disinfect your smartphone

Your phone probably goes everywhere with you, even the bathroom! Beyond this germy space, you might also set it down on other potentially unclean surfaces, such as kitchen countertops, shop counters and restaurant tables.

Harsh chemicals found in disinfectant wipes are not recommended for cleaning electronics. Instead, experts say you should turn off your device, then wipe it down with a microfibre cloth using firm pressure. That’s usually enough, but you can carefully use a tiny bit of warm soapy water applied to the cloth as well. Just avoid getting moisture on or around any buttons or ports, and dry the phone with another cloth.

2. Regularly clean your handbags & school bags

Other items that get carried nearly everywhere are handbags, computer bags, backpacks and briefcases. Again, these are often placed on germy surfaces such as the floors of restrooms, restaurants or public transport.

Properly disinfecting your bag will depend on the material. Fabric school bags may be washing machine-safe, just check the cleaning instructions. Alcohol-free wipes are generally ok for leather, faux leather and pleather. A tiny bit of rubbing alcohol may be safe for fabric bags, but it’s best to test a hidden spot first. As you clean your bag, pay special attention to the bottom and handles.

3. Don’t forget the remote control

The TV remote (as well as remotes for the DVD player, Blu-Ray or gaming systems) are touched by everyone in the family and maybe even guests. Unless everyone is always washing their hands before they touch the remote, it’s probably collecting a lot of germs!

Get in the habit of regularly cleaning remotes with disinfectant wipes. You may want to wipe them down more often if anyone has been sick.

4. Stop nail biting

Nail biting is a bad habit that can be hard to break. Many kids and adults regularly bite their fingernails, which could damage the nails, the skin around them or even your teeth. It could also help spread illness.

The space beneath fingernails can collect a lot of germs, even if they look clean to the naked eye. Biting them transfers these nasties directly into your mouth – an effective way to get sick! Keeping nails short or painted may help break the habit. Finding what triggers the habit (Stress? Boredom?) and finding another way to cope in these moments could help you stop for good.

5. Bleach bedding & clothing

After an illness, it’s important to wash any linens or clothing the sick person has used or worn. However, some germs and viruses can survive a trip through the washer and dryer, even if you’re using hot water.

Disinfecting white cotton sheets and towels is as easy as adding regular household bleach to the wash cycle. Other colours and clothing that can’t be bleached can usually be washed with a pine oil or phenolic disinfectant. Always read and follow the label directions before starting your wash.

6. Practice healthy habits

Sometimes, avoiding a cold or flu comes down to keeping our bodies fit and healthy. Everyday healthy habits could help you stay well by maintaining your immune system or giving it an extra boost!

Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly can help keep the entire body in tip top shape, including the immune system. However, getting enough quality sleep and managing stress can also play a part.

Keeping your family happy and healthy is important all year long. Following these steps, as well the advice of your GP, could help make cold and flu season a bit easier.

Can you spot the difference between a cold and the flu? Knowing the symptoms of each could help get your family back on the road to health!

About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.

Wired, How to Clean Your Smartphone the Right Way
The Cut, How to Stop Biting Your Nails!
The Spruce, How to Disinfect Laundry for Bacterial and Viral Infections

TAGS: flu, health, germs, influenza,

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