7 Tips to make laundry day easier

Published on Thu May 23 2019 in Lifestyle

Does it ever feel like the laundry never ends? All that sorting, washing, drying, ironing, folding and hanging can eat up a lot of the day—especially if you’re doing laundry for a family of three or more!

If you need a bit of help taming your mountain of clothes, look no further.

Here are seven tips that might make laundry day easier, or at the very least more manageable. 

1. Try a different schedule.

How often do you do laundry? If you’ve always kept the same schedule, changing when you do your washing might be enough to make the chore a snap! Families might find it’s easier to put in a load or two every day, whilst couples might prefer saving it all for one day.

2. Pre-treat stains as soon as they happen.

Trying to remove stubborn stains can be even harder if they’re left untouched for a day or two. Taking action right away could help save your favourite clothes. Often, soaking the stain (or entire garment, depending on the fabric) in warm water is enough to keep it from setting.

3. Read the labels!

You probably know not to put wool sweaters in the dryer, but washing and drying other fabrics can be tricky too. Following the washing instructions on clothing labels can help them last longer and prevent mishap, like shrinking, colour transfer and rips or tears.

4. Make it more entertaining.

Sorting, folding, hanging and ironing can be boring work. Liven things up by watching TV, playing music, listening to podcasts or getting into an audiobook. Use this time to catch up on your favourites or discover a new gem!

5. Get help with the prep…

Many hands make light work! Ask your family to help with the prep work, so all you need do is load the washer and hit start. Have everyone empty their pockets, turn shirts and pants inside out, and pre-sort clothes by lights and darks.

6. …And some help all around!

Why stop at the laundry prep? Get the whole family involved from start to finish. Kids can put away their own clothes, and older kids and teens can even do their own laundry. Adding the ironing or folding linens to someone else’s chore list could also save you a bit a time and effort.

7. Clean out your closet.

Overcrowded racks tend to wrinkle clothing, so making room may keep shirts and pants crisp for longer. Teens especially are notorious for wearing something once (sometimes for only a couple hours!) before tossing it in the laundry basket. Fewer options could help break this habit—especially if they’re responsible for their own washing!

There’ll always be dirty laundry to wash, but hopefully these tips make each load a bit faster and easier.

For more home improvement, try these 18 projects you can finish in a weekend!

About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.


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