18 Home projects you can finish in a weekend

Published on Tue Mar 5 2019 in Lifestyle

A lot of people shy away from home improvement projects. Fixing up a house can feel intimidating, especially if you have a big project in mind that could takes days—or even weeks—to complete. But you don’t always need to take on a big fix to make your home a little nicer. Sometimes a small repair or change can make all the difference!

Here are 18 projects that can be finished in a weekend. Your pick whether to DIY or not!

1. Patch holes in the walls

Chances are, your walls might have some holes left over from hanging frames, not to mention dings and scrapes from daily life. Patching these up is a quick way to make your home look good as new!

2. Paint a room

After you’ve spackled and sanded, why not add some colour to the walls? Whether it’s a bright hue or a fresh coat of white, painting is an easy way to give any room a face lift. 

3. Hang some artwork

The finishing touch! Hang framed family photographs or eye-catching artwork to really make your walls pop. Try mixing and matching sizes, colours and textures for a more creative display.

4. Add some shelves

Artwork doesn’t always need to hang directly on the wall. Shelves are also a great way to show off family photos, art prints and canvases. Pair them with family mementos, a decorative vase or travel souvenirs to really make use of those shelves.

5. Fix a leaky tap

A tap that constantly drips wastes water and money. It may not seem like much, but a slow leak could add hundreds of dollars to the water bill over time! Set aside a few hours to check the kitchen and bathroom taps (and maybe the toilets to) for costly leaks.

6. Change the taps

Leak or no, maybe it’s time to update your kitchen and bathroom taps. Swap old fixtures for more stylish models to give the sink a new look!

7. Update cabinet hardware

You might not be able to replace the kitchen cabinets, but swapping out the hardware could make a big difference. Update old or generic builder handles and knobs with something more your style for a quick change.

8. Organise the kitchen cabinets

Sometimes all it takes is a good clean to make a home feel brand new! Empty, clean and organise cabinets and the pantry. Donate or toss unneeded and broken items, then neatly store the rest so that it’s easy to find and use things when they’re needed.

9. Replace an old appliance

If you’ve had the same refrigerator, dishwasher, oven or washing machine for nearly a decade, it might be time for a newer model. Energy-efficient appliances could help you lower your electric bill, and often cost less than repairing an appliance that’s near the end of its lifespan.

10. Install a ceiling fan

A ceiling fan is a great way to help control the temperature of your home all year long. Use it in summer to help create a cooling breeze, instead of turning up the aircon. Then in winter, reverse the fan’s rotation to help pull cold air up and warm air down.

11. Replace the showerheads

This project can do more than just give your bathroom a face lift. A showerhead with multiple spray options could make your home feel more like a relaxing day spa! 

12. Switch out old lightbulbs

Replacing burnt out bulbs is easy, but it’s also a chore that often gets put off (especially if the light doesn’t get used much). Start swapping old lightbulbs with earth-friendly CFLS or LEDs. Stock up on extras now, so you won’t need to run to the shops the next time a light goes out.

13. Install dimmers on the lights

A dimmer switch could make your home a bit more relaxing. Dimming the lights a few hours before bed could make it easier to get to sleep at night. Consider installing one in the bathroom too, so you don’t have to use such bright lights when using the toilet in the middle of the night.

14. Test the fire alarms

Safety first! Regularly testing fire and carbon monoxide alarms could help save a life. Make sure all alarms are working properly, and change the batteries as needed. Now might be a good time to check the fire extinguisher, too (or go buy one). 

15. Replace the doors inside the house

New doors can help give your rooms a little more style. They can also help dampen sound, especially if the ones you have are thin or poor quality.

16. Wash the windows

This simple chore could help your home feel brighter! Wash all windows and sliding glass doors—inside and out. You may also want to carefully brush the screens with a broom as well to remove dust, dirt and cobwebs.

17. Plant flowers or an herb garden

A garden full of bright flowers could create a lot of joy! Don’t have a backyard or much room? Consider potted plants on a balcony or in sunny windows. You can even plant an easy indoor herb garden to complement your shopping list. 

18. Clear out the gutters

Don’t wait until it’s too late to clean out your home’s gutters. Make a regular date to remove leaves, muck and whatever else might be clogging these drains.

About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.


TAGS: home, home improvement, diy,

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