8 Great history podcasts that make learning fun

Published on Mon Aug 13 2018 in Community

History may not have been your favourite school subject, but podcasts may just change your mind. These popular audio programmes can be a fun way to learn about the people, places and events that have shaped history, both at home and overseas. And given how easy it is to download or stream episodes to a smartphone or tablet, they can entertain and inform you almost anywhere!

Travel back in time with these eight history podcasts, covering everything from New Zealand’s past to secrets of Hollywood’s golden era. 

Kiwi history

Ours: Treasures from Te Papa

A Radio NZ gem, Ours is New Zealand history told through museum artifacts. Each episode focuses on a single object from the Te Papa collection. Listeners can discover our unique heritage through items such as a suffragette medal, patu parāoa and television heroine Xena’s costume.

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Black Sheep

Another podcast from Radio NZ, this programme covers some of our nation’s more controversial history. From a womanizing con-artist to a grisly murder (or two!), Black Sheep delves into the lives of criminal, villainous and divisive Kiwis who have shaped the country—for better or worse.

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World History

Stuff You Missed in History Class

Even the best students likely missed a thing or two during their school years. Missed in History tackles events and people you may have forgotten about, as well as those that are often left out of textbooks. The show discusses topics from around the world, including New Zealand subjects, like Hone Heke’s Rebellion and the Treaty of Waitangi.

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The History of the English Language

As its name implies, this podcast traces the roots of the English language. There are plenty of fun facts in each episode, explaining the origins of words, why English grammar often seems odd, and how different accents developed. Listeners are asked to send recordings of their own unique accents for use in future episodes, which will likely feature a Kiwi or two!

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Revisionist History

This podcast is built around the idea that “sometimes the past deserves a second chance.” Each episode of Revisionist History re-examines something from history (an event, person, or idea) and unpacks the misunderstandings people may still hold about it. 

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Just for fun

You Must Remember This

If you love old Hollywood and classic cinema, then You Must Remember This is for you. This storytelling podcast reveals the secret and forgotten stories from the golden age of film. It also fact check rumours and urban legends that have continued to swirl around former stars and matinee idols.

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The Dollop

History can be weird, and sometimes downright funny. The Dollop recounts some of the strangest, craziest and most beyond-belief moments, ideas and people from the past—cracking jokes along the way. Though it mostly tackles American history, the show has a big following in Australia and often covers topics from across the ditch. (This podcast frequently uses adult language—listening with headphones is recommended!)

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Want to hear a scary story? Lore is a spooky podcast that examines true life tales from throughout history that will send a shiver down your spine. Hear about the folklore that gave us vampires and werewolves, real life haunted houses, exorcisms and more. You can listen with the lights off, but we don’t suggest it!

Listen here


What are your favourite podcasts to listen to? Share your recommendations with us on Facebook!


About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.


TAGS: podcasts, history,

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