7 Great podcasts that are all about sleep

Published on Mon Aug 20 2018 in Lifestyle


The average person spends about one third of their life sleeping, yet it still remains a bit of scientific mystery. Why do dream? What causes sleepwalking? Will science one day make sleep a thing of the past? These are just a few of the questions being put to researchers on some of the world’s most popular podcasts.

We've put together this list with a few of our favourite sleep-related episodes to add to your playlist. There’s little something for everyone, from the economics of sleep, a sleepwalking killer and two podcasts that could help you drift off to dreamland!

Freakonomics – The Economics of Sleep

Based on a bestselling book, each episode of Freakonomics discusses the financial side of things—from big topics like education and sport, to more unique subjects like shoes and lawns. The podcast's two-part look at sleep explores several questions about our slumber: Can lack of sleep explain the income gap? Are humans really sleeping less than we used to? Does the early bird really get the worm?

Part 1 - Listen here
Part 2 - Listen here

Jeff Bridges – Sleeping Tapes

This entry isn’t a podcast, but it might be perfect bedtime listening. Actor and musician Jeff Bridges released this concept album in early 2015 to help listeners fall asleep. Drawing on his years of practising meditation, Bridges combines soft music, ambient noise and spoken word to create a relaxing experience that could help quiet the mind and induce sleep.

Listen here

Radiolab – Sleep Deprivation

What do an exhausted brain and a 14-year-old boy’s bedroom have in common? Radiolab answers this question and others in a quick, but informative 17 minutes. For a deeper dive into the science of sleep, including how animals look out for danger even when getting shuteye, check out their hour-long episode.

Listen here

Sleep With Me

Most podcasts want their audience to stay awake. Not Sleep With Me. The goal of this show is to put listeners to sleep. Each episode is a “bedtime story for grown-ups,” that’s so boring it will hopefully lull you to sleep in no time. It may seem a bit strange, but thousands of fans press play each night and wake up refreshed in the morning!

Listen here

Stuff You Missed in History Class – Albert J. Tirrell, The First Sleepwalking Killer

History buffs are sure to enjoy this entry from Stuff You Missed in History Class. In 1845, American Albert J. Tirrell was charged with the murder of a young woman. His attorney famously used Tirrell's habitual sleepwalking as a defense, and the trial became a media sensation.

Listen here

Stuff You Should Know – Can you control your dreams?

This podcast, now in its tenth year, has an entire suite of episodes about sleep, from the basics (Is sleep that important?) to the frightening (How night terrors work). Our favourite episode is on lucid dreaming—the experience of being aware that you’re in a dream. Listen to find out more about this phenomena, and if you’re able to control these dreams whilst you’re having them!

Listen here

This American Life – Fear of Sleep

Award winning radio show and podcast This American Life presents a collection of stories each week connected by a single theme. This episode features people who are afraid to go to sleep, sometimes for odd reasons. Their fears range from extreme sleepwalking to the 1980 film The Shining, and may make any insomniacs listening feel a bit better about their own sleep struggles. 

Listen here

Keen to learn even more about sleep? Find out what’s keeping New Zealanders awake at night and steps to getting better rest.


About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.


TAGS: podcasts, sleep, wellbeing,

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