Travel, adventure & more: What’s on your bucket list?

Published on Mon Jan 1 2018 in Community

Do you have a bucket list? It seems like everyone is taking a page from the 2007 movie The Bucket List and making an inventory of all the things they’d like to see and do before they “kick the bucket.” These checklists of goals can include anything under the sun, from owning a home to seeing the Northern Lights.

We asked Momentum Life Facebook fans to tell us the number one item on their bucket list. Here’s what you said:

Around the world

Our fans love to travel, so it’s no surprise that visiting a special destination was the top choice for 64 per cent of respondents!

Europe and the United States were your first choices. England, Scotland and Greece were deemed must-visits for European travelers. Disneyland, Las Vegas and New York City were the top named American destinations. A few of you even want to travel the U.S.’s open roads either by campervan or on the back of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

Of course, many of you weren’t too choosy—six per cent of people simply want to “travel more” or fly first class on their next trip!

A taste for adventure

Trying an adventurous activity was another popular choice. This included things like hot air ballooning, bungee jumping and skydiving. Others want to get up close and personal with wildlife, by swimming with dolphins, cage diving with Great White Sharks or going on a safari in Africa.

Some want to pursue adventure whilst conquering their fears. Anne M. is learning how to swim after nearly drowning as a child. The experience made her anxious around water, but she’s working hard to overcome her fear.

Others expressed interest in pushing their body to the limit. One person would like to hike the Abel Tasman track, and another wants to run in the Rio Marathon. Another fan is looking to the future in a big way, wishing to join a Virgin Galactic space flight!

Family values

Family is important to Kiwis, so it makes sense that many of you want to help a loved one or honour a close relative who has passed away.

Four people would like to either visit a family member they haven’t seen in years, or fly a loved one living abroad to New Zealand. One person plans to get a tattoo in remembrance of her grandmother, and another would like to place a memorial plaque for her brother-in-law’s son. For some, their wish is much simpler—to spend more time with their family or see their children and grandchildren lead happy lives.

Three respondents would like to get married. In the case of Kiki I., she’d like to get remarried for her 10th anniversary. “We just went to the registry office first time round, so it’d be nice to make a bit of a big deal about it.” 

What’s on your bucket list?

If you haven’t started your own bucket list, it’s very easy to begin one. Write down your goals—big and small—and continue adding to it as you please. It’s really that simple!

Need some more inspiration? A 2011 survey found that whilst travel was the number one item on people’s lists (just like Momentum Life’s fans!), achieving a professional goal and volunteering were the second and third most popular choices.1

Ask your family and friends about their life goals is another great way to fill your own list. Seventy-six per cent of people in the previously mentioned survey hoped to have someone else join them in their top bucket list item. You just may find that a loved one shares your dream, and will happily help you achieve it!

So what items are on your bucket list? Take some inspiration from Momentum Life fans, and share your answers with our Facebook community!


1. Adweek, Research: Traveling is On Most People’s Bucket List



About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.

TAGS: travel, holiday, events,

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