42 Easy ways to show more kindness

Published on Mon Nov 13 2017 in Community

Greek storyteller Aesop once said, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Helping others as we go about our day, providing a much needed pick-me-up, or just being there for the ones we love can all make a big difference. 

There are a million ways to bring a smile to someone’s face today. Here are 42 of our favourites!

At home

1. Turn off your electronics (phone, tablet, computer, TV) and have a conversation free from distractions.

2. Donate an old piece of clothing for every new one you purchase, or donate money to a local organisation that helps people in need.

3. Make your partner a cup of tea in the morning or before bed.

4. Adopt a rescue pet from your local animal shelter.

5. Write your partner a list of things you love about them. Hide it in their lunchbox or briefcase as a nice surprise!

6. Call a family member you haven’t talked with lately just to chat.

7. Thank your partner for taking care of the chores and errands they do every day.

8. Buy a small gift for a family member—just because!

At work

9. Bring a yummy treat to share with colleagues. Food, whether healthy or indulgent, is always appreciated!

10. Compliment a coworker to your boss.

11. Offer to pick up items from the store or take everyone’s coffee order when you pop out on lunchtime errands.

12. Leave sticky notes with positive comments on the restroom mirrors.

13. Send anonymous flowers to the receptionist.

14. Hold the elevator. Is waiting another few seconds really going to make you that late?

15. Say thank you to the cleaners.

16. When people are gossiping about someone, say something nice about them instead.

With friends

17. Cook a meal for a friend going through a tough time.

18. Forgive someone, and never bring up the issue again.

19. Give a friend a book, magazine or movie you think they’d like.

20. Try to make sure every person in a group conversation feels included.

21. Make (and keep!) plans with a friend you keep cancelling on.

22. Send a hand-written thank you note for a gift you recently received.

23. Ask a friend for the recipe of a special meal they make. There’s no bigger compliment for those who love cooking!

24. Invite a friend for dinner around Christmas, especially if they don’t have family living close by.

Around town

25. Tell a parent when their child is being well behaved in public.

26. Smile at someone—just because!

27. Leave your newspaper or a book you’re finished with at a café, the doctor’s office or on the train for someone else to enjoy.

28. Offer a homeless person your restaurant leftovers, or buy them a takeaway meal. 

29. Help someone struggling with heavy bags.

30. Let someone with only a few items go before you at the checkout.

31. Pay for the person behind you in line’s coffee.

32. Pick up litter you see on the street or around the park.

33. Give up your bus or train seat to someone.


34. Post a genuine compliment about three of your Facebook friends.

35. Write something nice on a person you don’t speak to often’s Facebook page.

36. Answer those emails you’ve been avoiding. People may be anxiously awaiting your reply.

37. Be nice to the customer service rep online or on the phone. It’s not their fault!

38. Make a donation to your favourite charity.

39. Leave a review for a local business, praising an exceptional employee.

For yourself

40. Let someone help you. Give them a chance to perform a random act of kindness, too!

41. Give yourself a compliment—we all too often focus on our flaws!

42. Think of 3 to 5 things you’re thankful for each night before bed as a reminder of all that’s wonderful in your life.

Which acts of kindness will you perform today? Share how you make someone’s day with our community on Facebook



About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.

TAGS: random acts of kindness,

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