10 Easy ways to go plastic free today

Published on Wed Jul 3 2019 in Lifestyle

More and more Kiwis are looking for ways to reduce the amount of plastic they buy and use. And whilst a lot of focus has been put on things like single-use bags and bottled water, plastic is really all around us.

For people looking to make the change from plastics to more sustainable products, knowing where to start can be overwhelming. To help, we’ve put together this list of fixes and swaps. Pick a few to begin with and try to check them all off!10 Easy ways to go plastic-free

Problem: Plastic shopping bags

Fix: Always take a reusable cloth bag (or two) when you’re running errands. Remember, they’re not just for the groceries! Reusable bags can be used anywhere you shop.

Problem: Plastic produce bags

Fix: Say no to putting your fruit and veg in those thin produce bags. Instead, buy some made from a lightweight mesh material, or make your own.

Problem: Plastic meat trays or bags

Fix: Meat comes packaged in plastic to keep things hygienic at the store, but you can remove the waste by taking a reusable container to the butcher. They can deduct the weight of the container from the total so you’re only paying for the meat.

Problem: Plastic food packaging

Fix: Much of the food at the grocery comes wrapped in plastic, but some smart shopping can help cut down on the waste. Buy non-perishables in bulk (B.Y.O. container!) or shop at farmer’s markets as much as possible. Also, avoid frozen foods as they’re more likely to come in plastic. 

Problem: Plastic cling wrap

Fix: Bee-lieve it or not, there’s a great alternative to cling wrap—beeswax wrap! This reusable fabric product uses beeswax to seal itself and is 100% biodegradable. Use it wrap up food or cover bowls and platters. 

Problem: Plastic food containers

Fix: When those plastic containers finally break, replace them with a more sustainable option. Choose food storage made of glass, metal or bamboo instead.

Problem: Plastic takeaway cutlery

Fix: Ordering a quick takeaway meal for the family? Ask the shop to leave out the disposable cutlery and use your own. Keep a reusable set at work to avoid taking a plastic fork with your lunch order. 

Problem: Plastic drink bottles

Fix: It’s officially time to say ‘no’ to bottled water! Bring a reusable metal or glass drink bottle with you and fill it up from the tap instead. 

Problem: Plastic straws

Fix: If you prefer to sip from a straw, consider using a metal or silicon one that can be washed and reused. They come in all different sizes, including ones made with bubble tea drinkers in mind!

Problem: Plastic bin liners

Fix: Cutting down on your food waste could help eliminate the need for bin liners. Composting and bokashi can remove this messy, smelly rubbish from the kitchen bin. Line it with newspaper instead or go without a liner at all. 


Want more tips on going plastic-free? Read all about the four biggest myths


About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.


TAGS: environment, plastic free,

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