The 4 biggest myths about going plastic free

Published on Wed Jun 26 2019 in Lifestyle

Plastic is getting a lot of attention lately. Single-use shopping bags are being phased out in New Zealand. Developing countries are refusing to take plastic recycling from other nations. Tiny pieces of plastic have even been found on the ocean floor. 

It’s no wonder that many Kiwis are re-thinking their relationship with plastic. The move towards a “plastic-free” life is growing in households around the country, as people become more concerned about their impact on the environment.

But, as with any big lifestyle change, there are a few myths that keep popping up. If you’re thinking about reducing the amount of plastic you buy and use, you might want to read on as we tackle four of the biggest myths.

Myth #1 – You have to throw out all your old plastic

If you decide to go plastic free, it could be tempting to clean house and toss it all in the bin. But, there are some problems with this. 

For one, that’s a lot of work. Many families find it hard enough to do the normal household chores each week without searching cupboards for all those plastic goods they’ve collected over the years. Also, it’s probably expensive to replace everything you toss all at once. 

And, throwing out all your plastic at once might be worse for the planet than keeping it. Tossing usable food containers, coat hangers, pens and more—just because they’re made of plastic—is wasteful. You’re better off using those items until they break or are beyond use rather than create unnecessary rubbish. (Plus, you won’t be making unnecessary work for yourself, either!) 

Myth #2 – You must go completely plastic free immediately

This goes hand-in-hand with myth #1. Gradually replacing plastic items with more sustainable alternatives as needed is better for the planet than switching to a plastic-free lifestyle in one go.

But, it’s also easier for you, too! Going plastic free all at once might feel too hard (and it is probably is for most of us). Making the switch one step at a time is more realistic, and it will likely be easer to stick with the changes you make in the long run.

Start with the easiest swaps first and build from there. Once you’ve made a habit of bringing reusable shopping bags on every trip, start taking your own containers to the butcher. Stopped buying plastic water bottles? It might be time to give all your food packaging a closer look. Making small changes, one at a time, could help the process feel less stressful. 

Myth #3 – You can never buy anything plastic again

Once you begin ditching plastics, you might start to notice just how many are out there! From bottles and bags to even the clothes we wear—plastic is just about everywhere. This might cause a dilemma—does going plastic free mean I can never buy anything plastic ever again?

The short answer is “no”. There will always be exceptions. These might be practical (try finding a mobile phone that doesn’t use any plastic!) or allowances that you decide for yourself (like letting the kids buy a new Lego set).

At the end of the day, the health and wellbeing of your family should come first. Buying medicines packaged in plastic bottles or blister packs may be unavoidable, and it’s unsafe to refuse medication just because of the container it’s in. For you, I might be more about buying less plastic than going completely plastic free, and that’s okay!

Myth #4 – Going plastic free will be too expensive

One of the reasons why plastic is everywhere is because it’s cheap to make. It became an affordable and easy alternative to other materials for companies looking to save money. So, going plastic free must hit your wallet hard, right?

Not necessarily. Yes, some non-plastic products cost more, but others might save you money in the long run. A reusable metal water bottle might be dearer, but if you’re dedicated about using it every time (instead of buying bottled water), it will quickly pay for itself! And you’ll likely find that they last longer than reusable plastic bottles, too.

Investing in non-plastic items often means thinking long-term rather than short: Spending a bit more now (in some cases) but knowing that what you’re buying is probably built to last. However, don’t feel pressured to make changes that don’t fit your budget. It’s ok to take your time researching brands and products to find ones that fit your price range (back to myth #2)!

Creating a healthier planet

Saying no to plastic is one way to help build a greener, cleaner planet. However, plastic free might not be the ultimate goal for you and your family. Going “plastic less” could still make a big impact on the environment whilst keeping you happy and healthy! Look for small, easy changes you can make now, then build to the bigger ones. You may soon find that your home is no longer full of so much plastic, and the planet is looking better too.

Another way to make a brighter tomorrow: Eco-friendly funerals!


About Author: Momentum Life is a leading provider of Life insurance and Funeral insurance in New Zealand.


Ministry for the Environment, About the phase out of single-use plastic shopping bags
The Conversation, As more developing countries reject plastic waste exports, wealthy nations seek solutions at home
National Geographic, Tiny plastic pieces are spread throughout the deep sea


TAGS: environment, plastic free,

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